Our projects and initiatives:

  • Improvement of digitalisation competences of recent and future teachers by development of advanced training on instructional design of digital training

Cooperation partnership in Higher education, Erasmus+ programme, KA220
Duration: 01/11/2023 – 30/04/2026

Learn more at: www.instructional-design.eu

  • “Digital training on financial literacy for youth with fewer opportunities”

Cooperation partnership in youth, Erasmus+ programme, KA220
Duration: 01/03/2023 – 01/09/2024

Learn more at: www.finliteracy.eu

  • “Digital training for NGO’s youth workers to become disability support moderators for youth with disabilities”

Cooperation partnership in youth, Erasmus+ programme, KA220
Duration: 01/03/2023 – 01/03/2025

Learn more at: www.dismode.eu

  • “Adaptation and enhancement of the European supported employment model to enable accessible labour market pathway for refugees and immigrants”

Small scale partnership in vocational education and training, Erasmus+ programme, KA210
Duration: 01/03/2023 – 01/05/2024

Learn more at: www.adaptref.eu

  • “Improvement of digital and peer mentoring support skills of marginalised students to prevent their drop-out from school”

Small scale partnership in vocational education and training, Erasmus+ programme, KA210
Duration: 01/03/2023 – 01/04/2024

Learn more at: www.peermentoring.eu

  • “Prevention programme via digital tool of Burnout syndromе among teachers”

Small scale partnership in school education, Erasmus+ programme, KA210
Duration: 01/13/2023 – 01/05/2024

Learn more at: www.stopteachersburnout.eu

  • “Development and validation of financial literacy skills of disabled and disadvantaged students to the labour market”

Cooperation partnership in school education, Erasmus+ programme, KA220
Duration: 03/10/2022 – 02/10/2024

Learn more at: www.finlitschool.eu

  • “Game based learning to validate pre-employment skills and to foster digital competence of low skilled and marginalized students to foster better transition to the labour market”

Cooperation partnership in school education, Erasmus+ programme, KA220
Duration: 01/11/2022 – 30/10/2025

Learn more at: www.emplogame.eu

  • “Preparation, creation, production and promotion of the disc “Bulgarian Piano Palette” with the aim of preserving and popularizing the musical heritage of piano works by Bulgarian composers”

The project is financed by the “Musical initiatives 2021″ programme of the National Cultural Fund of Republic of Bulgaria
Duration: 01/01/2022 – 01/09/2022

Learn more at: https://andreanlazarov.com/?page_id=655

  • “Pre-employment programme and toolkit to foster job preparation skills of low skilled and marginalised students to enhance their employment opportunities upon completion of the school”

Small scale partnership in school education, Erasmus+ programme

Duration: 01/03/2022 – 29/02/2024

Learn more at: www.visage4jobs.eu